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Vanguard Properties
Vanguard Properties
Selina Zhao, Vanguard PropertiesPhone: (415) 919-0000
Email: [email protected]

You Don't Have to Live With Lousy Drawer Slides

by Selina Zhao 02/17/2020

Photo by StockSnap via Pixabay

Kitchen and bathroom drawer slides are built to take a beating. You've undoubtedly had an item stuck and had to force the drawer open. Somehow it still worked after that. Children pull down on them, trying to climb up onto the cabinet. Mindless adults or teens slam them shut from time to time. 

All of this wear and tear leaves you with a frustrating drawer that won't close smoothly or stay closed. But the great news is you don't have to live with lousy drawer slides. There's a straightforward fix.

What you'll need

  • A screwdriver (probably a phillips head, but take a look at the screws)
  • New slides, also called glides
  • Straight edge
  • Tape measure
  • 3/32-inch drill bit
  • Pencil
  • Power drill with screw tip
  • Level

Step one: prepare your area

Start by taking everything out of the drawer. Make some room on the counter to set your supplies as you work. *Pro tip* It's amazing how quickly little screws can disappear. Please put them in a bowl rather than laying them on the counter and hoping they stay there. You may reuse them.

Step two: remove the drawer slides

Remove the drawer and unscrew the slides from each side of the drawer. You'll find their counterparts inside the space where the drawer came out. Unscrew those as well.

Step three: attach new drawer slides

You'll have a left and right drawer slide. Each will have two parts, one for under the cabinet and one for on the drawer. Place the right pieces and left pieces together so you don't mix them up.

About the Author

Selina Zhao

Selina Zhao is a tech savvy real estate agent who brings over the top-notch marketing strategies, presentation, and negotiation skills to her clients. Selina always stays on top of the real estate market trends and stats. She applies strategies into different market situation and empower her clients to achieve their ultimate goal. During the first year of her real estate career in the Bay Area, she achieved an impressive $22.8M in sales. Selina’s experience on real estate sales ensure her clients get the care and attention they need as they make the crucial decision of buying and selling properties. Selina is vowed to provide excellent service, communication, and always an advocate for her clients.

Selina loves real estate, her career blended in perfectly to her daily life, and she loves to help others to achieve their American dreams. She works restlessly to get the work done. Immigrated from mainland China in 2007, graduated from University of Miami, Selina established her own online marketing company and her real estate career in Miami, Florida before moving to San Francisco in 2017. Her soul of entrepreneurship and cares for others encouraging her to pursue to be the best in the industry. Selina is also a former Miami HEAT video producer, who witness the team winning their 2012 NBA championship at the courtside.